What to Put Under an Air Mattress When Camping?

What to Put Under an Air Mattress When Camping?

Are you feeling a bit uneasy about sleeping on an air mattress while camping? Don’t worry – with the right comfort and support, even the most basic air mattress can provide a surprisingly comfortable night of rest. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the best options for creating maximum comfort and support. So stick around to learn more about how to make your camping experience much more enjoyable!

Why Would You Put Something Under Your Air Mattress?

The most obvious benefit is increased comfort. Having a cushioning layer underneath you, it will take the stress off your back and make sleeping much more comfortable.

In addition to providing extra support and comfort, putting something under an air mattress also helps to protect the mattress from damage. Rocks, sticks and other debris that may be on the ground can puncture or tear the mattress if you lay directly on them.

Finally, some items placed under an air mattress can help insulate you from cold temperatures that come at night when camping in colder climates. Having a warm layer between you and the ground can make a huge difference in staying comfortable through the night.

Why Would You Put Something Under Your Air Mattress?

Things You Can Put Under An Air Mattress

If you plan on camping and bring an air mattress with you, it’s important to know what to put under it. Not only will this provide cushioning and comfort while you sleep, but it can also keep the mattress clean from dirt and debris and protect it from bugs. Here are some of the best things to put under your air mattress when camping:

  1. A foam or rubber camping pad – These pads are designed specifically for sleeping outdoors and provide a layer of insulation between the ground and the air mattress. They’re lightweight, compact, and durable enough to withstand repeated use.
  2. An inflatable camping mat – If you don’t want to lug around a large foam or rubber camping pad, then an inflatable camping mat is a great alternative. They’re lightweight, compact and provide plenty of cushioning and comfort while you sleep.
  3. A tarp – If you’re camping in an area with damp ground or grassy areas that could cause your mattress to become wet, it’s a good idea to put down a tarp before laying out the air mattress. This will prevent moisture from seeping into your bedding and keep you dry and comfortable throughout the night.
  4. An old blanket or sheet – If all else fails, an old blanket or sheet will do in a pinch! Just make sure it’s clean so as not to attract bugs or other pests into your sleeping area.


One great option for what to put under an air mattress when camping is Dri-Dek tiles. These small, interlocking tiles are made of resilient, non-absorbent polypropylene that is resistant to mildew and bacteria. They offer superior cushioning and comfort with their unique design that allows air to circulate freely beneath your mattress. Plus, they are easy to assemble and take apart so you can move them around as needed. The best part about these tiles is that they come in a variety of colors so you can customize the look of your camping setup! So if you’re looking for something lightweight yet comfortable, then Dri-Dek tiles may be just the thing for your next outdoor adventure!


Foam Sleeping Pad

It’s important to make sure you choose a pad that is large enough for the size of your air mattress. Additionally, if you have an inflatable mattress, it may be beneficial to choose a pad with a texture or surface that helps prevent slipping and sliding when you move around on it. Foam pads are lightweight and easy to carry, so they’re perfect for camping trips.

EVA Foam Mat

One of the best things to put under an air mattress when camping is EVA foam mats. Not only do they provide a layer of cushioning, but they also help to keep the mattress clean by protecting it from dirt and debris. Plus, their lightweight design makes them easy to transport, making them ideal if you’re on the go. They come in a range of sizes so you can find one that fits your air mattress perfectly. EVA foam mats are an affordable way to make sure you have a more comfortable sleep while camping!

Wool Blanket

If you’re camping in cold weather, then you’ll want something that will keep you warm. A wool blanket is the ideal choice because it’s lightweight and retains heat well. If you want a more luxurious sleeping surface, consider investing in a foam pad to put under the air mattress. This can provide extra comfort while keeping you insulated on chilly evenings. Make sure to choose one with high-density foam for maximum insulation.

Reflective Insulation

When camping, one of the most important things you can do to ensure a good night’s sleep is to make sure your air mattress is well insulated. One of the best ways to insulate an air mattress when camping is with reflective insulation. Reflective insulation helps to keep heat in and away from your body by reflecting it back. This type of insulation can be made out of various materials including Mylar, cardboard, plastic sheets, foils and bubble wrap. By placing reflective insulation under your air mattress before sleeping, you will not only stay warm but also save energy by keeping the cold at bay. For extra protection against the elements, consider packing an additional layer or two of insulation on top such as wool blankets or fleece throws for extra warmth. So the next time you’re camping, make sure to bring along some reflective insulation and you’ll be ready to sleep soundly in any environment!

Reflective Insulation

Sheepskin Hide

Sheepskin hide is one of the most popular materials to put under an air mattress when camping. It provides a thick layer of cushioning and insulation, helping to keep you warm and comfortable during the night. Sheepskin hides are relatively lightweight, making them easy to transport. They can also be used as bedding on their own if needed.

Roll of Carpet or Lino

While there are many benefits of having an air mattress, it can still be quite hard and uncomfortable at times. Placing a roll of carpet or lino will help to reduce that hardness and provide extra cushioning, making the experience much more enjoyable. Plus, you can easily move it around and adjust it as needed so that you always have the perfect sleeping surface.

Clothing or a Towel

Clothing is often overlooked as a great choice for padding and insulation under an air mattress when camping. Your extra clothing can be used to provide not only warmth but also comfort for the sleeper. For instance, if you are camping in colder temperatures, it’s a good idea to layer your clothes underneath the air mattress. This will help to keep the sleeper warm throughout the night. An old towel can also be used as a super soft and plush layer of protection and insulation from the ground beneath you.

Tarp or Ground Sheet

A tarp, or ground sheet, is the most common type of item to put under an air mattress when camping. It can be used both as a waterproof barrier and as insulation from the cold ground. Additionally, it can also be used as a windbreaker in case of inclement weather.

When choosing a tarp for your air mattress, you’ll want one that’s big enough to fit your entire mattress with some extra room around the sides and ends. Also consider if you need something lightweight and portable or if you’d prefer something more robust to ensure better protection against wind and rain.

If you’re looking for an added layer of insulation from the cold ground, try using a foam pad underneath the tarp. This will keep your mattress from absorbing the cold from the ground and help you stay warm all night long.

Finally, if you’re using a tent with a built-in groundsheet, then there’s no need to add another layer of protection under your air mattress. The groundsheet will provide enough insulation and waterproofing for your bedding. [1]

Tarp or Ground Sheet

Is It Better To Put Something Over Your Air Mattress, Or Under It?

When camping, it’s important to think about whether you should put something over your air mattress or under it. On the one hand, having an extra layer of padding on top can make sleeping more comfortable – but at the same time, putting too much underneath can make the mattress harder to inflate and deflate.

So what should you do? Well, if possible, try to use both! Place a lightweight tarp or ground sheet over your air mattress for added insulation and protection from moisture and dirt. Then put a foam pad (or two) underneath for added cushioning and comfort. This way, you’ll get the most out of your air mattress without making it too difficult to set up.

It’s also important to remember that air mattresses are not indestructible, and sharp objects can easily puncture them. Make sure you’re aware of any potential dangers in your campsite before setting up the mattress, and avoid camping on rocky or stony ground if possible.

With a little bit of preparation and knowledge, you can ensure that you have a comfortable sleep without compromising the structure of the mattress. So be sure to think about whether it’s better to put something over or under when camping – you’ll thank yourself later!

Why Put Something Under an Inflatable Sleeping Pad?

After all, isn’t it made to provide a comfortable surface for camping? While that may be true, there are several reasons why adding an extra layer of cushioning and protection is beneficial.

First off, air mattresses can sometimes lose some air throughout the night – especially if they are older or have been patched up multiple times. Having something underneath the mattress helps to buffer any changes in firmness so you don’t wake up feeling like you’re sleeping on a rock! Secondly, the ground can often contain rocks, twigs and other items that can poke through an air mattress and make it uncomfortable. Even if your campsite is fairly level, having something underneath can help to keep any sharp objects at bay.

Finally, the extra padding helps to provide some insulation from the cold ground and will help you stay warmer throughout the night. So while you don’t need to put anything under an air mattress in order for it to work its magic, there are definitely some benefits that come with doing so!

Why Put Something Under an Inflatable Sleeping Pad?

Benefits of Raising Your Sleeping Pad Off the Ground

Most camping beds are elevated off the ground for good reason. Being raised a few feet above the ground offers many benefits, such as better air circulation, fewer bugs and pests, and insulation from cold or damp elements beneath you. Furthermore, being slightly elevated gives you more comfort by evenly distributing your weight instead of having it all sink into one spot on the ground. With an air mattress bed, getting that extra lift is easy — simply add what’s underneath!

Benefits of Putting Insulation Under Air Mattresses

When camping, it’s important to ensure that you get the most comfortable sleep possible. Putting insulation under your air mattress can help provide extra comfort and warmth for a good night’s sleep. In addition, insulation prevents too much air from escaping at night, meaning that your air mattress will stay inflated throughout the evening. Lastly, insulation also helps protect against moisture from the ground reaching your body while sleeping on an air mattress.

There are many different types of materials you can use to create a layer of insulation under your air mattress when camping. Make sure to test them out before taking them along on any camping trips as some may be too thin or not suitable for long-term use outdoors. Some popular choices include foam mats, blankets, camping pads and foil insulation.

Foam mats are a great option as they provide an even layer of soft padding to lie on top of. They also come in different thicknesses for varying levels of comfort. Although foam mats can be slightly heavier than other options, they do offer more support and can be easily rolled up and stored away when not in use.

Blankets are a lightweight and inexpensive way to add some extra cushioning under your air mattress when camping. There are many options available such as wool or synthetic fibers depending on the climate you will be camping in. Ensure that the blanket is thick enough to provide warmth but also light enough so it doesn’t take up too much space when packing.

Benefits of Putting Insulation Under Air Mattresses

What Is the Best Thing to Put Under an Air Mattress?

When it comes to sleeping comfortably while camping, an air mattress is a great option. But no matter how comfortable the mattress may be, if you don’t have the right base for your bedding setup, you can quickly find yourself tossing and turning all night long.

For this reason, it’s important to know what the best thing is to put under an air mattress when camping. After all, having a comfortable sleep surface provides a much needed foundation for getting a good night’s rest!

The most popular type of bedding base for air mattresses is foam or rubber mats. These provide cushioning and insulation from cold temperatures which makes them ideal for camping trips. They are also lightweight and easy to transport.

Another popular option is camping cots. They offer the same comfort and insulation as air mattresses, but with a sturdier surface to sleep on. The frame of the cot can provide extra support for those who are concerned about uneven ground. Plus, they’re easy to set up and take down.

For those looking for something a bit more luxurious, inflatable beds or air loungers are great options. They are lightweight and easy to carry in your pack, plus they give you the extra cushioning that an air mattress doesn’t offer. Inflatable beds come in all shapes and sizes so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly! [2]

In addition to foam mats, cots, and inflatable beds, you can also use sleeping bags or blankets as a base for an air mattress. They may not provide the same level of insulation as other options, but they are still comfortable and will do the trick in a pinch.

What Is the Best Thing to Put Under an Air Mattress?

Additional Tips

Aside from the items listed above, there are a few extra tips that can help make your camping experience even more comfortable and enjoyable.

  • Invest in an air mattress designed for comfort: While air mattresses provide a great way to stay off of the ground, not all air mattresses are created equal! Look for one with built-in insulation or additional padding so you get a good night’s sleep.
  • Bring a sleeping bag liner: A sleeping bag liner provides an extra layer of warmth and comfort when sleeping on an inflatable mattress. It also helps protect your air mattress from wear and tear by absorbing natural body oils and dirt.
  • Place something waterproof under your mattress: Even if you place a tarp or plastic sheeting under your air mattress, it’s still important to ensure that the ground underneath is dry. Placing something waterproof like an old shower curtain or even an extra tarp can help keep moisture out.
  • Give yourself a little extra protection: If you’re worried about getting too cold while camping then consider bringing a thin foam pad to sleep on top of your air mattress.

With the right items in place, you’ll be ready for a good night’s rest – no matter where you are.


What do you put under a camping pad?

When camping, you need to make sure your air mattress is properly supported. A good way to do this is with a foam pad or roll-up mat. These are lightweight and provide additional cushioning and insulation between the ground and your air mattress. You can also place a tarp or blanket beneath the mattress for extra protection from any moisture that might seep through the tent floor. If you’re camping in an area with a lot of rocks, bring something like a yoga mat or thick foam blocks to place beneath the air mattress for added comfort and stability. Additionally, if there’s space in your car, bringing along some cushions or pillows can help create a softer sleeping surface as well.

How do I keep my air mattress from deflating while camping?

If you are using an air mattress while camping, it’s important to ensure that your mattress stays inflated and comfortable throughout the night. Here are some tips to help keep your air mattress from deflating:

  • Check for holes in the mattress before use and patch them up if necessary. This will prevent any further deflation during the night.
  • Place a tarp or blanket underneath your air mattress to protect it from sharp rocks and sticks on the ground that may puncture it.
  • Use a battery operated air pump to inflate your air mattress with even pressure, as hand pumping can cause weak spots in the bed due to uneven pressure.
  • Make sure you leave enough room between each side of the mattress and the ground to protect it from punctures. [3]

How do you raise an air mattress for camping?

When camping, an air mattress is a comfortable way to get some restful sleep. But before you can enjoy it, you need to make sure it’s elevated correctly and securely in place. There are several ways to do this, all of which will provide you with the right kind of support for your air mattress.

The easiest way to raise an air mattress is simply by using sleeping pads or foam mats that will fit underneath it. Doing so helps insulate the bottom of the bed while also providing additional cushioning and comfort. This option works great if you’re looking for something lightweight and low-cost since most foam mats are pretty affordable. They also come in a variety of thicknesses and sizes, so they’ll be able to fit any air mattress.

Another option is to use camping cots or frames that are specifically designed for air mattresses. This solution offers the most stability and support, making it ideal for those who want a firmer bed surface while sleeping outdoors. It also comes with room for storage underneath, so you can keep all of your camping gear organized and out of the way.

Finally, if you’re looking for something more luxurious and comfortable, then you can opt for an inflatable air mattress bed frame. These are great options if you have a bit more money to spend on your camping setup since they provide plenty of support and extra cushioning for your air mattress. Plus, many come with additional features like adjustable heights and side pockets for storing small items. [4]

Should I put a mattress pad on an air mattress?

Yes, it is important to put a mattress pad on an air mattress for added comfort. A mattress pad provides cushioning between the air mattress and the ground as well as providing additional insulation from the cold of the ground. Make sure to choose a mattress pad that is designed specifically for air mattresses, as these have been designed with air mattresses in mind. Mattress pads can also add extra padding which will help to make your sleeping experience even more comfortable. It’s also worth noting that some camping sites may ask you to bring a mattress pad due to their rules and regulations – so it’s always best to check before you set up camp! [5]

Useful Video: The KEY to Great Sleep Outdoors


When camping, what you put under an air mattress is extremely important. It can determine whether you have a comfortable night’s sleep or if it will be a bad one. If you choose the wrong materials, like plastic sheets, straw, or tarps, they won’t provide enough cushioning and may even trap moisture. A good material to put underneath an air mattress would be foam mats or rugs that will provide more cushioning for your body as well as insulation from cold ground temperatures. Additionally, adding a layer of blankets on top of the mattress will help keep you warm during those cold camping nights. With the right combination of materials beneath your air mattress and blankets above it, you’ll definitely be ready for a good night’s sleep!


  1. https://www.gearassistant.com/what-to-put-under-air-mattress/
  2. https://decideoutside.com/what-to-put-under-an-air-mattress-while-camping/
  3. https://www.mattressnut.com/air-bed-losing-air-deflates/
  4. https://www.mattressnut.com/lift-air-bed-camping/
  5. https://www.sleepingocean.com/mattress-topper-on-air-mattress/